From Sugar Plantations to Military Bases: The U.S. Navy‘s Expropriations in Vieques, Puerto Rico, 1940–45

During World War II the U.S. Federal Government took over approximately 26,000 acres out of a total of 33,000 in the Puerto Rican island of Vieques, to build military installations.

Puerto Rican Needle Workers and Colonial Migrations: Deindustrialization as Pathways Lost

The dominant narrative of U.S. deindustrialization opens with the Northeast as the definitive starting point for industry followed by a direct linear relocation to the South and then the Global South. I

Hacienda Mercedita

Hacienda Mercedita was a 300-acre (120 ha) sugarcane plantation in Ponce, Puerto Rico, founded in 1861, by Juan Serrallés Colón.


Studies show that Vieques was first inhabited by Native Americans who came from South America about 1500 years before Christopher Columbus set foot in Puerto Rico in 1493. 

Central Sugar Mills

The central sugar mill concept began in Puerto Rico with the establishment of Central San Vicente in 1873.

Give Them Christ: Native Agency in the Evangelization of Puerto Rico, 1900 to 1917

The scholarship on the history of Protestant missions to Puerto Rico after the Spanish American War of 1898 emphasizes the Americanizing tendencies of the missionaries in the construction of the new Puerto Rican.

The Culture History of a Puerto Rican Sugar Cane Plantation 1876-1949

The present article is an attempt to combine the analysis of historical documents with the use of data from aged informants for purposes of historical reconstruction.

Espiritismo:The Flywheel of the Puerto Rican Spiritual Traditions

by Edil Torres Rivera, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA Abstract Espiritismo (spiritism) is a wide-spread religious practice among Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans in the United States. Espiritismo has been found…

Bound to History: Leoncia Lasalle’s Slave Narrative from Moca, Puerto Rico, 1945

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by Ellen Fernandez-Sacco, Independent Scholar, Tampa, FL 33618, USA Download PDF Link to source Abstract The only slave narrative from Puerto Rico is included in Luis Diaz Soler’s Historia de la esclavitud negra en…